The College and Career Competency Framework, developed by Drs. Noonan and Gaumer Erickson, supports educators in systematically embedding intrapersonal, interpersonal, and cognitive competencies into course content. In this way, educators support students to develop into socially and emotionally engaged, career-equipped, lifelong learners. The College and Career Competency Wheel includes 26 specific competencies categorized in three domains. Each competency is integral to in-school and postsecondary success, as determined by current and emerging research. We provide an array of virtual and in-personal professional development to expand the skills of educators and families, measure students’ development of intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies, and implement sustainable instruction and guided practice across school environments.
Visit CCCFramework.org to learn more and access hundreds of free resources.

A companion site, CCCStudent.org, provides free access to over 20 direct assessments for students, including a needs assessment, formative questionnaires, knowledge and situational judgement assessments, and performance-based reflections addressing numerous intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies. Performance-based observations, completed by educators or families, are also available. These assessments measure knowledge and skill development at the individual student level, with composite results across classrooms, grades, and schools. Implementation fidelity instruments are utilized throughout the professional learning process.

CCC Framework competency lessons and student workbooks are available for purchase. Each lesson set outlines more than 25 instructional activities for specific grade-level clusters (e.g., K–2, 3–6, 7–12). The lessons include explicit instruction and application elements that teachers can modify based on students’ experiences and needs. Each lesson set is accompanied by a PDF student workbook with worksheets that can be reproduced to facilitate learning.